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Category: Beach
Prefecture: Chania
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παραλία Σταυρολίμνη, όπου καταλήγει ένα ρυάκι που ξεκινάει από τον Άγιο Νικόλαο και μεταφέρει αργιλώδες χώμα

Places near Stavrolimni

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Pirgos 2801 hits

The beach of Pirgos is situated in the northwest coast of the island of Gavdos and 7km far from the port Karave and 1km norteast from Potamos Beach. It can be reached by small boat or by foot after a long and adventurous walk from Agios Ioannis Beach. Pirgos beach is quiet and isolated and beach with no facilities. 

You must bring your own water and food. Pirgos has two adjacent emerald sandy beaches, which are both absolutely unorganized and isolated. Many campers prefer Pirgos for camping, as it is very far from any tourist infrastructure. The beaches are hidden in the heart of a large bay, surrounded by dunes and junipers and protected by steep cliffs.

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Potamos 2795 hits

Potamos is a beautiful beach in the north west part of the island of Gavdos and 6km west of the port of Karave and 2km south from Pirgos beach. It is a sandy beach with yellow and nicely colored red sand. 

This may be one of the most beautiful beach of Gavdos. Huge sandy beach, a few tents (September) under cedars trees, amazing canyons on the back worth exploring. And no more than 10 people spread in this 500m beach, practically deserted. No facilities at all, of course.Ιn the canyon there is still some water dripping from the clay cliffs (Potamos means "river", so there must have been a river there in the past) and the campers (that keep coming back for years in this place) have found some very creative ways to collect this water and use it for cooking and showering. We were told the water is not potable.One reporter reached this beach with two hours of difficult walk from Lavrakas (and Pirgos beach), out of any trail. The easiest way to get there is by boat, but there is also a trail beginning from the settlement of Ampelos. Many people who take the walk to Potamos beach end up just seeing the beach from above and cannot find a safe way down, although some people do succeed!You will a sign pointing to "Ποταμος" (Potamos). The path begins as a very rough gravel road. Maybe a 4-wheel car can use it but also bear in mind that it is very steep. The gravel road ends at something that looks like a small plateau and at that point it is very easy to miss the path; it continues on your left hand side passing through an open wooden door (or gate?). Watch out for the small piles of stones that mark the trail. In general it is not a difficult hike. Only towards the end it gets quite narrow and slippery and you are in steep place, thus you should be very careful. Sneakers or climbing shoes are strongly recommended.