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Category: Beach
Prefecture: Rethymno
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Saktouria 2746 hits

This dreamy traditional Cretan village rests on a hill side at 600metres above sea level. Saktouria is divided into an upper and lower village.

The population in total being about 350 which increases in summer as all the families who live away in Athens and other places come home for holidays in August. It is 49 km away from Rethymnon city. It is recorded as Sacturia in all the Venetian censi of the 16th and 17th centuries. Chourmoutzis Vizantios calls it Sachtouri. In 1881 it is recorded as forming part of the municipality of Melambes with 360 inhabitants and in 1900, still in the same municipality until 1940 when it becomes the seat of a commune with the same name.

The first thing that is sticking about this village is the wonderful view down to the sea, the beach of Triopetra and the coast line as far as Xora Skafia. It hosts traditional white washed houses a church and two cafenions. It is a country village and most of the inhabitants have land that they farm, so during at the break of day in the summer months the villagers are up and about going to work their land, tend there amimals or doing chores around the house while it is still cool. In the afternoon it is quiet and then in the evenings most of the villagers emerge to gather for a chat .

There are also a few stills and it is renowned for its excellent raki. Every year when the grapes have been collected and the stills are bubbling away it is customary for all passers bye to stop and partake in a glass or two. Needless to say this is a very jolly time. Not so long ago this was an area for the production of silk and there are many mulberry trees at the back end of the village. Sadly this trade came to an end as the silk from Thailand and other areas could be produced at a much lower cost.

The land around Saktouria is also famous for its wild mushrooms which are very sought after and during November there is a scramble to collect them. Daily you can see the local women walking the land early in the morning collection their wild Horta which is like wild spinach to cook with their daily meal. The villagers are friendly and accommodating and there are a small handful of foreign community now in permeant residence.

This village is within a short drive from some of the most beautiful beaches on the south coast. It is only 10 minutes drive to the nearest beach of Agios Pavlos, 15 minutes drive to the beautiful beaches at Triopetra and Akoumia and 15 minutes drive to the resort of Agia Galini.

As this village is quite high up it enjoys cooler temperatures during the summer months sometimes as much as 5 degrees less than those villages along the coast and at sea level, this makes it very pleasant. The sunsets are quite spectacular and in the winter one can see the snow capped White Mountains in the distance. It is approximately one and a half hours to the airport in Heraklion and one hour to the city of Rethymnon on the north coast. There is also a regular bus which goes to Agia Galini and Rethymnon.