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Category: Town-Village

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The village of Sassalos is located 21km away from Kastelli or Kissamos, and 57.5 km from Hania on the road to Kaloudiana - Herethiana- Sfakopigadi - Malathiros - Sassalos, at an altitude of 340 m. a.s.l and has 57 permanent residents.



The village is mentioned by Fr. Barozzi since 1577. A little before the village of Sassalos, starts the gorge of Halase or Sassalos gorge, a relatively small one which leads to Tiflos river 7-8km farther to north, and is worthy to walk.

It is the seat of the municipality which includes the villages:

Sassalos (57 residents)

Koundoudiana (15 residents)

Maneriana (55 residents)

The village is mentioned by Fr. Barozzi since 1577.

A few distance before the village of Sassalos, starts the gorge of Salasse, a small one which leads to Tyflos river, and is worthy to walk.

This region, is a mountainous area, begining at Topolia on the north, and ending just below the top of Dikaios mount (1008 m) on the south and it is delimited by Koutroulis mount (1071 m) and by the peak of Psilo Kefali mount (901 m) on the western side, while Sassalos & Milonou settlements are the east side borders. This area includes Topolia gorge, with Tiflos river, originating at Dikaios mt. and streamig down through the gorge); the north side and the summit of Dikaios mount, the east side and the summit of Koutroulis mount and the lower mountains of Psilo Kefali, Oxo Koproula (695 m), Vitsilangos (683 m) and Sellakia (573 m). The well known cave of Agia Sofia is also in the area.The mountainous vegetation is mainly phryganic, dominated by the shrubby perennials Sarcopoterium spinosum, Coridothymus capitatus, Calicotome villosa and Cistus creticus. There are also shrub and tree formations of Pistacia lentiscus and Ceratonia siliqua. Chestnut groves (Castanea sativa), one of the rare chestnut formations in Crete, are situated between Elos and Pervolia settlements. Maquis formations with Arbutus unedo and Erica manipuliflora are commom on non-limestone substrate.Olea europea groves occupy a considerable part of the site.

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Nissi 2669 hits

The Nissi village located in a very beautiful area by Topolia , Kissamos region, was a very hilly hinterland village and 238 residents lived used to live there. The area is fertile with a lot of acres of wilderness, but also a lot of olive trees, that allow the residents cultivating the land, grazing and picking olives. make do with whatever difficulties But the years passed and in Nissi, as it was one of the most mountainous and remoted villages, the population diminished. They were difficult years of war and misery and without a government actually to care for the farmers, the next step for them was teh immigration. Marriages got scarcer and the nearby villages deserted one after the other.The Nissi village held until 1980 having about five families. Near the houses is a Byzantine Church of Virgin Mary. Is walls are still distinguished old paintings.  A few days ago we visited this site and we discovered that it has been without a permanent population now, not because the last inhabitants have been died, but because they preferred to stay elsewhere, to be able to see people, to be near their children and have friends.