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Afentis Christos
Category: Church
Prefecture: Lassithi
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Afentis Christos

Σκουράς, Μεταμόρφωση Σωτήρος – Αφέντης Χριστός
Νότια του δρόμου Φουρνή – Ελούντα, στην περιοχή του Σκουρά, βορειοανατολικά της Φουρνής υπήρχε ναός αφιερωμένος στη Μεταμόρφωση του Σωτήρος. Ο Σωτήρας ή Αφέντης Χριστός γειτνιάζει με τη μονή του Αγίου Παντελεήμονος στο Σκουρά, όπου υπήρχε οικισμός τα χρόνια της Βενετοκρατίας. Ο ναός δηλώνεται στην απογραφή των εκκλησιών και των μονών του 1635 από το Μάρκο Παπαδόπουλο.

Places near Afentis Christos

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Agios Konstantinos - Timios Stavros 2932 hits
The old monastery of Agios Kostantinos and Eleni is located 22km north of Agios Nikolaos and 18km from Elounda,  Lassithi prefecture, at the entrance of the village Dories, at an altitude of 450m. 

The parish church of Dories village in Mirambello area, is a twin-naved one, with the north nave dedicated to ‘the Equals to the Apostles, Saints Konstantinos and Eleni’, and the south nave dedicated to the Elevation of the Holy Cross. Of particular interest are at the sanctuary niches the relief decorated stone ‘agiothyrida’ (agiothyrido stands for ‘gate of the saints’, and it is the name given to the east-facing sanctuary window of Greek Orthodox churches), the belfry with carved figures of Saints Konstantinos and Eleni and the date 1892, the wood-carved altar-screen as well as some portable post-Byzantine icons kept there.

Based on archival references, this was the site of an important monastery which operated from the years of Venetian rule until the late 19th century (Chronaki 1997, 266, 1994 Psilakis A, 385). To the north of the once catholicon of the monastery remains today a restored vaulted hall, and the entrance of the old courtyard of the monastery, consisting of two consecutive gates.
Kato Pines
Kato Pines 2922 hits
A small distance from Shisma the settlement of Pines is located, a village where traditional architecture still exists maintaining an atmosphere of tranquility which soothes the visitor as well as providing a journey back in time.