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Αγία Παρασκευή
Κατηγορία: Εκκλησία
Νομός: Ηρακλείου


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Αγία Παρασκευή

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Φωτογραφίες Προσεχώς
Acropol 2863 hits

The apartments "Acropol" are located in Pitsidia, one of the most beautiful villages of south Crete.

Pitsidia finds itself a couple of kilometres from Matala and Phaistos archaeological site, and about 75 kilometres from Heraklion town.


Φωτογραφίες Προσεχώς
Μονή Παναγίας Οδηγήτριας 2822 hits
Η Ιερά Πατριαρχική και Σταυροπηγιακή Μονή Οδηγήτριας βρίσκεται πάνω στον ορεινό όγκο των Αστερουσίων Ορέων στα νότια του νομού Ηρακλείου, που αποτελούν το «Αγιον Όρος» της Κρήτης. Τα Αστερούσια υπήρξαν η κοιτίδα του Χριστιανισμού και αναπτύχθηκε σε αυτά πλούσια μοναστική και ασκητική παράδοση με κέντρο το Αγιοφάραγγο και το Μάρτσαλο.

Ιδρύθηκε το 14ον αιώνα και σχετίζεται με την οικογένεια των Καλλέργηδων στους οποίους ανήκε. Θεωρείται ένα από τα αρχαιότερα μοναστήρια της Κρήτης αφού αναφέρεται σε έγγραφο του Δουκικού Αρχείου του Χάνδακα (Ηράκλειο) το 1393. Στην Μονή υπάγονται και πλήθος ερημητηρίων, αλλά και εξωκκλησιών με αξιόλογες τοιχογραφίες. 
Σ` αυτή τη Μονή υπάγεται και το προγενέστερο αυτής μοναστικό κέντρο των Αγίων Ευτυχιανών, όπου κατά την παράδοση ετάφησαν οι Άγιοι Ευτύχιος, Ευτυχιανός και Κασσιανή οι αυτάδελφοι. Αδελφοί της Μονής υπήρξαν και οι Άγιοι αυτάδελφοι Παρθένιος και Ευμένιος, οι κτήτορες της Ιεράς Μονής Κουδουμά.
Το καθολικό της Μονής τιμάται 
στη Κοίμηση της Παναγίας 
και στους Αγίους Αποστόλους 
Πέτρο και Παύλο

Η εθνική αντιστασιακή ιστορία της Μονής αρχίζει ήδη από το 17ο αιώνα επί ηγουμενίας Ιωσήφ, όταν εισέβαλαν οι Τούρκοι στην Κρήτη. Πριν από την επανάσταση του 1821, η Μονή ήταν καταφύγιο των Χαΐνηδων. Μάλιστα ο γνωστός Ξωπατέρας ήταν χαινης αδελφός της Μονής με το όνομα Ιωάσαφ. 
Το 1884 γίνεται με Πατριαρχικό Σιγίλλιο Σταυροπηγιακή Μονή. Το 1866 κατά την επανάσταση και επί ηγουμενίας Γερασίμου Μανιδάκη η Μονή ανέπτυξε μεγάλη εθνική δραστηριότητα. Η δραστηριότητα αυτή είχε σαν αποτέλεσμα να εξαγριώσει τους Τούρκους οι οποίοι προέβησαν σε εκτεταμένες καταστροφές και βιαιότητες. 
Τα χρόνια της Γερμανικής κατοχής το μοναστήρι αντιμετώπισε ξανά την έχθρα των κατακτητών λόγω της δραστηριότητας του αφού περιέθαλπε και φρόντιζε αντάρτες.

Στη Ι.Μ. Οδηγήτριας εγκαταβιούν σήμερα πέντε μοναχοί: ο Ιερομόναχος και Ηγούμενος της Μονής Παρθένιος Βουλγαράκης ο οποίος κατάγεται από τον Πύργο Μονοφατσίου, ο Ιερομόναχος Ευτυχιανός Σηφάκης ο οποίος κατάγεται από το χωριό Λίσταρος,ο Μοναχός Ευμένειος Βαρελίδης, ο Μοναχός Ιερόθεος Καπαρουνάκης και ο Μοναχός Αρσένιος Γαργεράκης. Επίσης στην περιοχή του Αγιοφάραγγου εγκαταβιεί ο ερημίτης π.Θεόδωρος.
Το ταπεινό αυτό μοναστήρι στέκει ακοίμητος φρουρός 
της Ορθοδοξίας και φιλοξενεί όσους πιστούς 
προσέρχονται στον χώρο του.
Φωτογραφίες Προσεχώς
Λήσταρος 2785 hits

At the edge of the western point of mount Asterousia lies Listaros settlement, the last passage to the mountain and the south coast. Records reveal that the settlement existed since 1577 and was part of Kainouriou province. The statistics of the Barozzi code refer to it as “Listaro”. Despite its long history, settlement continues to “live” although its inhabitants unfortunately gradually abandon it.

Listaros is approximately 200 metes above sea level in this south western area of the prefecture of Heraklio. At this pleasant altitude, just above the intense heat down at sea level, but low enough to enjoy the benefits of the very mild winters on the south side of Crete. Add to this; views over the lower end of the might Messara Plain, across the bay to Agia Galini and out to the Paximadia Islands. All this with a backdrop of the Psiloritis mountains, and you have a truly beautiful part of Crete.

In an island full of climatological and environmental diversities, the area of the Messara plain has a unique character and a lot of diversities to offer itself. It is the largest plain of Crete that extends to the central and southern region of Heraklion County.

It is surrounded from the north by mount Idi (Psiloritis), from east by mount Dikti (Lassithiotika Ori) and from south by mount Asterousia that meet with the Libyan Sea.

While the land of the Messara plain is one of the most fertile ones found on the island, the landscape changes dramatically as the traveler reaches mount Asterousia. A few small ports are the only ones that disrupt the deserted scenery. Monkhood blossomed here from the 7th till the 15th century, something that can be easily detected by the number of monasteries and sketes found in the near gorges and canyons.

Some of the finest examples are the monasteries of Odigitrias, Koudouma and Apezanon, the sketes of Saint Nikita, Martsalo and Agiofarago gorge.DISTANCE FROM LISTAROS:65 klms from the airport and a few less from the port of Heraklion.12 klms from the town of Moires to Matala and Siva0,5 klm from the Komos beach.4,5 klms from Monastery of Odigitrias and another 5-6 klms for the beaches Kaloi Limenes, Agiofarago, Martsalo, Vathi.

Φωτογραφίες Προσεχώς
Πιτσίδια 2746 hits

The village of Pitsidia is located 65 km southwest of Iraklion at an altitude of 80 m a.s.l, just before the magnificent bay of Messara and 2km far from the famous Kommo beach. The village with aproximately 700 inhabitants is the seat of the Pitsidia-Matala community. Pitsidia is the oldest village of the area and is refered (by S. Spanakis) that it was the place where the s oldiers of Nikiforos Fokas, commander of the Byzantine army, settled. The army, famous for its bravery, came from Pisidia of the south Asia Minor, and this is probably the origin of the name Pitsidia. The road from Iraklion is fairly good and passes through the Messara valley. Regular public transportation is available for visiting Pitsidia-Matala. The climate is temperate and it promotes longevity and well-being, as the inhabitants of the village are famous for their longevity.Pitsidia is a quiet village, with a long tradition of hospitality. The spotlessly clean accommodation units, the taverns with their traditional cuisine, the cafes with their aroma of Greek coffee, as well as the cosmopolitan ambiance of the area during the summer months, warranty a memorable stay to all visitors. Visitors are always welcomed at Pitsidia.For more information about Pitsidia, you are invited to visit , or call, the offices of the Community Enterprise of Pitsidia (tel:+30-2892-45340/45720). Pitsidia Pitsidia: Kommo Beach Pitsidia The surrounding landscape is of exceptional natural beauty with archaeological and historical sites which attract a large number of tourists each year. Within the Pitsidia community, 4 km to the southwest, lies the renowned resort of Matala. At a distance of 1500 m. lies the long sandy beach of Kommos and the antiquities of Kommos. Pitsidia Pitsidia Also, the village of Pitsidia can be the starting point for outing and excursions to the archaeological sites in the broader area. Some of the most interesting sites are the ancient mansion of Pitsidia, the archaeological sites of Laggou, Phaistos, Agia Triada and Gortys, the monastery of Odigitria, the gorge of "Agiofarago".


Φωτογραφίες Προσεχώς
Σίβας 2727 hits
The village of Sivas with about 400-500 people, is located 62 km away from Iraklion, on the western slopes of Asterousia Mountains, at an altitude of 110m and close to the villages of Kamilari and Pitsidia. The village has changed little from days gone by. The Ministry of Culture has recognized Sivas as a traditional protected village.

Life revolves around the square where you can enjoy the company of local people who always make you feel welcome. Sivas has a special feel about it, which is out of the fact that many people return year after year.

Near the village the archaeologists unearthed circular tombs of the pre-palace period (2600-2000 B.C.). In 1958 a full collection of early Hellenistic coins were found. However, looters stole most of these and only 36 coins were found and are currently on display at the Archaeological Museum of Iraklion.In the middle by the village  the meanwhile completely asphalted road leads up to the militaryful Odigitria Monastery, highly above in the mountains.During summer months the village square in front of the church, takes centre stage of daily life. Here you will find some Kafenia (Cafés), the butcher, a small supermarket, herb and handcraft shops, a pottery and also a silversmith. While the children are swinging and sliding on the playground  in the shade of the large trees, you can find everything for the daily need in the small shops around the place.