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Places near Beach

The Palace of Kato Zakros is located 26 kms south of Palekastro. Its position shelters it from the dangerously strong north winds that pass Cape Sidero on the north-east tip of Crete.
It was the last of the major palaces to be discovered and is smaller than the other three at Knossos, Malia and Phaistos. The original excavations were begun by D.G. Howarth of the British School of Archaeology in Athens, and 12 houses in the town surrounding the Palace, whose existence remained unknown, were unearthed before the excavation was abandoned.
Nikolaos Platon resumed the excavation in 1961 and was able to unearth a palace which had not been looted at the time of its destruction. The excavations have continued until the present day. The excavation represents one of the most important for Minoan archaeology since the Second World War, and the lateness of its discovery allowed it to be excavated using more modern and more scientific methods than those adopted in the excavation of the other Palaces some 60 years earlier.
Kato Zakros Minoan Palace Kato Zakros Minoan Palace Kato Zakros Minoan Palace
The Palace of Zakros probably acted as the Minoan gateway to the east and this view is supported by various movable finds on the site which had come from the Middle East. Like the other palaces, Zakros was rebuilt after the earthquake destruction of the old palaces. The second palace was built around 1600 BC and finally destroyed around 1450 BC, along with other centres of Minoan civilisation in Crete.
Fortunately many artefacts were left in situ, probably due to the suddenness of the destruction. The palace covered 8,000 square metres, contained 150 rooms and had a Central Court measuring about 30 metres by 12 metres, smaller than that of Knossos.

Rock Climbing
At the entrance to the Canyon of the Dead from Kato Zakros, several climbing routes have been carved out on the vertical limestone cliffs. Most routes have permanent safeties along their entirety and include a wide range of difficulty levels, for both beginners and experienced climbers.

Coral rooms in coastal resort Kato Zakros for your holidays - vacation. Whether you sit on the terrace or gaze at the view of the beach and sea below from your room, Coral Rooms provide the real sea-side experience with comfortable and well cared for surroundings. Situated immediately below Athena Rooms, private bathrooms. East Crete Kato Zakros!!

The owners George and Haroula Platanakis take great pleasure in informing you that they have built a small family tourist complex in Kato Zakros.
The complex is located at the top of a hill offering a panoramic view onto the plain, the Minoan Palace, the village, the Gorge, and the beautiful beach of Kato Zakros. Our hillside location means that there is always a cooling breeze. There is the following choice of accomodation: