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Πλατεία Μικρασιατών - Χανιά
Στη συμβολή των οδών Κισσάμου και Μάρκου Μπότσαρη στα Χανιά, πάνω στα φανάρια βρίσκεται το μνημείο αφιερωμένο στη Μικρασιάτισσα μάνα και γενικώς στη μικρασιατική καταστροφή.
Στο άγαλμα που έχει στηθεί αναπαρίσταται μια μάνα που κρατά στην αγκαλιά της το παιδί της, προφανώς την ώρα του ξεριζωμού και της μετανάστευσης για την Ελλάδα.
Το μνημείο εγκαινιάστηκε το Σεπτέμβριο του 2009 επί δημαρχίας Βιρβιδάκη και βρίσκεται αν μη τι άλλο σε ένα πολύ κομβικό σημείο, στην είσοδο της πόλης και είναι αδύνατον να μην το προσέξει κανείς.

Nea Chora Beach: In order to arrive at the nearest beach from the city of Chania, the coast "Papanikoli" ("Akti Papanikoli"), you must follow the street by the sea from the Venetian port to the west, passing by the West Trench.
The beach is at the end of the "Nea Chora" district, a developing area that extends to the northwest of the city of Chania. To the left, there was a large building complex, the old soap factory of "ABEA". Its high funnel is still preserved. Across the factory there is the National Water Sports Center of Chania and the Nautical Association.
In the district of "Nea Chora" there is a small fishing port and a clean sandy beach. Lengthwise the beach there are several good quality fish taverns. The "Sardine Festival" is organized every summer at the beach of Nea Chora, with traditional music, dances and free fish for the visitors
The beach is at the end of the "Nea Chora" district, a developing area that extends to the northwest of the city of Chania. To the left, there was a large building complex, the old soap factory of "ABEA". Its high funnel is still preserved. Across the factory there is the National Water Sports Center of Chania and the Nautical Association.
In the district of "Nea Chora" there is a small fishing port and a clean sandy beach. Lengthwise the beach there are several good quality fish taverns. The "Sardine Festival" is organized every summer at the beach of Nea Chora, with traditional music, dances and free fish for the visitors