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Prefecture: Chania
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Apopigadi (1335m) is a Mountain in Chania prefecture in the Crete Region of Greece. Locations near Apopigadi include the small Settlement of Spina to northwest and the Village of Sebronas to northeast.
A wonderful landscape unfolds before the visitor..
In depth somebody can see Chania and the their port, the plain with orangetrees and the lush landscape, the Kolimbari village until Gramboussa, Akrotiri, the Skloka and northern sides of the White mountains with its beautiful villages at its north slopes
The small chapel of St. - John was built in 1873, by founder Stelios Sifakis from Agia Irini village, Selino area. Until 1897, when the Turks began to leave the island, this mountain region was a place where it used to meet rebels and warlords.To the southeast side of St. John chapel is a water source with ice crystal water with plane trees where visitors can find some rest and can enjoy the coolness and the beautiful landscape. This site with the source and around the church is still called " Gitemeni Vrisi"
Places near Apopigadi
Spina is a small but very beautiful with rich vegetation and hidden mountain village with about 20-30 houses, situated at the northern slope of the Agios Zinas Mountain (1350m), 13 km far from the central road Chania-Kandanos and 38 km far from Paleohora.
The altitude is at 600m and you can enjoy the beautiful mountain landscape and view to Sembronas-Palea Roumata area and north Kandanos area.