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Καλό Νερό
Κατηγορία: Πόλη-Χωριό
Νομός: Λασιθίου


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Καλό Νερό

Ο Captain T.A.B Spratt περιηγήθηκε την περιοχή γύρω από την μονή Καψά το 1851-59 και για την περιοχή του Καλού Νερού αναφέρει <<…Η κοιλάδα της Δάφνης προχωρά νότια και οι χείμαρροί της χύνονται τον χειμώνα στο Λιβυκό πέλαγος σε ένα μέρος πού λέγεται Καλό Νερό πού η ονομασία του οφείλεται περισσότερο στίς ιατρικές του ιδιότητες παρά στην χρήση του ως πόσιμο2 ..>>.Προφανώς ο T.A.B Spratt αναφέρεται στην πηγή << Βλυχάδα >> με γλυφό νερό που είναι καθαρτικό και βρίσκεται δυτικά από το τωρινό χωριό Καλό Νερό.

Σε αυτή λοιπόν την περιοχή ιδιαίτερα γύρω από την Παναγία του Καλού Νερού. οι κάτοικοι των Περβολακίων δημιουργούν πρόχειρα καταλύματα για στέγαση όταν έφερναν τα κοπάδια τους από τα Περβολάκια. Σαν οικιστική μονάδα το Καλό Νερό αναπτύσσεται μετά το 1980, ενώ ακόμη και τώρα δεν έχει αναπτυχθεί τουριστικά όπως οι γύρω περιοχές.

Μέρη κοντινά με Καλό Νερό

Σταούσα 2785 hits
Kalo Nero is a small coastal settlement between Makrigialos and Kapsa Monastery. By taking the road from Lagada Beach to Goudouras , you will reach Kalo Nero beach and several other small coves and beaches which are often deserted and there are no facilities on the beaches. 

The beaches are located in one of the most rugged areas of eastern Crete. Kalo Nero is a small village at the outlet of a small, but inaccessible, rocky canyon. You will see the church of Panagia, an old chapel built at 1865, around which the inhabitants of the mountainous village Pervolakia built buildings to stay, when they brought their cattle to graze here.

The church was built on the remains of an older chapel, owned by Kapsa Monastery, which was built in 1461. There are several springs with fresh water, hence the name Kalo Nero (i.e. Good Water), which is very strange for such an arid region. Here, you will find three remote and small beaches that are ideal for swimming away from the crowds.
Κουτσουνάρι 2719 hits
Kalo Nero is a small coastal settlement between Makrigialos and Kapsa Monastery. By taking the road from Lagada Beach to Goudouras , you will reach Kalo Nero beach and several other small coves and beaches which are often deserted and there are no facilities on the beaches. 

The beaches are located in one of the most rugged areas of eastern Crete. Kalo Nero is a small village at the outlet of a small, but inaccessible, rocky canyon. You will see the church of Panagia, an old chapel built at 1865, around which the inhabitants of the mountainous village Pervolakia built buildings to stay, when they brought their cattle to graze here.

The church was built on the remains of an older chapel, owned by Kapsa Monastery, which was built in 1461. There are several springs with fresh water, hence the name Kalo Nero (i.e. Good Water), which is very strange for such an arid region. Here, you will find three remote and small beaches that are ideal for swimming away from the crowds.
Ανασκελού 2702 hits
Kalo Nero is a small coastal settlement between Makrigialos and Kapsa Monastery. By taking the road from Lagada Beach to Goudouras , you will reach Kalo Nero beach and several other small coves and beaches which are often deserted and there are no facilities on the beaches. 

The beaches are located in one of the most rugged areas of eastern Crete. Kalo Nero is a small village at the outlet of a small, but inaccessible, rocky canyon. You will see the church of Panagia, an old chapel built at 1865, around which the inhabitants of the mountainous village Pervolakia built buildings to stay, when they brought their cattle to graze here.

The church was built on the remains of an older chapel, owned by Kapsa Monastery, which was built in 1461. There are several springs with fresh water, hence the name Kalo Nero (i.e. Good Water), which is very strange for such an arid region. Here, you will find three remote and small beaches that are ideal for swimming away from the crowds.
Ζωοδόχος Πηγή
Ζωοδόχος Πηγή 2688 hits

Η Παναγία του Καλού Νερού ανεγέρθη το 1881απο τον ηγούμενο της μονής Καψά Γεροντάκη Ιωσήφ εγγονό του οσίου Ιωσήφ (Γεροντογιάννη) και λειτούργησε ως μετόχι της μονής Καψά.
Ο ναός κτίσθηκε πάνω σε παλιό μονυδρίο της Παναγιάς, ενώ όπως αναφέρει ο Ν.Ι.Παπαδάκης << .. παρά το μονύδριον εὑρίσκεται ὡς λέγουσι ὑπόγειον σπήλαιον, χρησιμοποιηθέν ποτέ ὡς κατοικία ἀσκητού ..>>

Στην εκκλησία υπάρχουν χαράγματα με τη χρονολογία 1461 καθώς και 1674.
Ο Ν.Ι.Παπαδάκης το 1933 συγκεκριμένα γράφει <<....Κεχαραγμένη όμοίως επί τοιχογραφίας του Ναοῦ ,τοῦ μικρόν πρός δυσμάς ἀπέχοντος ετέρου Μονυδρίου ἤ Καλοῦ-Νεροῦ ὑπάρχει ἡ χρονολογία 1461. Αἱ χρονολογίαι αύται ἀποδεικνύουσι πρῶτον μέν ὅτι πρός ὑπ αὐτήν ἐμφαινομένου χρόνου εἶχον ἱδρυθή τά δύο ταῦτα μοναστήρια, έπειτα δε ότι κατά τόν χρόνον τούτον ήσαν έρημα Μοναχῶν, διότι μόνον εις ναούς ερημικούς, εκτάκτως υπό προσκυνητῶν επισκεπτομένους, συνηθίζετο (καί συνηθίζεται) νά χαράττωνονται έπί τοῦ τοίχου ονόματα καί χρονολογίαι…>>