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Μέρη κοντινά με Ξηροπόταμος

The island of Samothrace, in the North Aegean, lies some 34 km. southwest of the Thracian city of Alexandroupolis. It is the second highest island in the Aegean; Mount Fengari rises to some 1600m. Access to the island is by boat only. Samothrace was not a state of any political significance in ancient Greece, since it has no natural harbour and most of the island is too mountainous for cultivation: Oros Fengari (Mount Moon) rises to 1,611 m (5,285 ft). It was, however, the home of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, site of important Hellenic and pre-Hellenic religious ceremonies. Among those who visited this shrine to be initiated into the island cult were King Lysander of Sparta, Philip II of Macedon and Cornelius Piso, father-in-law of Julius Caesar. Samothrace is not on the main tourist route, but the natural beauty of the island, rivers, forests and mountains, astounds those who come here. The highest mountain is Mt. Fengari (1611m) and is the highest mountain in the Aegean . Samothrace is rich in flora and fauna and ideal for nature lovers. The ancient site of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods goes back in time to when the island was a major religious centre.