Η οικία A' της Tυλίσου αποτελεί τμήμα μινωικού οικισμού. Eίναι η μεγαλύτερη από τις τρεις που έχουν ανασκαφεί. Έχει μνημειώδη είσοδο με δύο πεσσούς ανατολικά. Tο νότιο τμήμα της οικίας περιλαμβάνει αίθουσα με πολύθυρο κρύπτη με πεσσό, και δεξαμενή καθαρμών, ενώ στο βόρειο τμήμα της οικίας βρίσκονται οι αποθήκες. Σε πολλά σημεία έχουν αποκαλυφθεί τμήματα του πλακόστρωτου δαπέδου.
H οικία A κτίστηκε τον 16ο-15ο αιώνα π.X., ενώ προσθήκες έγιναν και κατά την YM II περίοδο (15ο-14ο αιώνα π.X.). Tο κτήριο καταστράφηκε από πυρκαγιά. Nεώτερα κτήρια (Eλληνικών χρόνων) εντοπίστηκαν στα ανώτερα στρώματα κατά τη διάρκεια των ανασκαφών.
Ascending from Tylisos Village towards Gonies, in a distance less than 5 minutes (2 km) and 14 km far from Heraklion City, and at a height of 240 metres we will find the village of Moni. Moni is reported in the inventory of the Guardian of Castle as Mogni with 50 residents in 1583 while in the Turkish inventory of 1881 are recorded 197 Christians and 2 Muslim residents. From Moni comes the ranger Nikolaos Kavrochorianos who fell heroically fighting in Cyprus during the episodes of 1974. Here is the country chapel of Agios Georgios and Holy Cross “Chimeftou” (Juicer), which is built in an idyllic green location and is surrounded by big heels. There is a spring with cool water which refreshes the visitors of the village. The name of the location comes from the Latin word Humektus which means a cool, wet, area or from the word Humus or humos (which means “juice”).On the east there are signs of an older sacred temple and at a distance of a hundred and fifty meters from the current temple there is a carved cell in a rock. It is a place of unbelievable natural beauty, that even the brush of the best painter could hardly ascribe it.A route of special interest is also the route from the Gorge (Kastelos) towards Koule which ends up in “Chimeftou” where there are abandoned Turkish houses. The fertile ground in combination with the soft climate gives the region the possibility of production of a wide range of agricultural products such as potatoes, garden products, raisins, grapes and olives from which they are been produced respectively wine/raki and oil of an exceptional quality. At the same time, important is the occupation of residents with the stock-farming and the production of cheese products.In the village the visitor can relax in the fountain located in the square of the village and taste the rich dishes in the traditional cafeteria – raki house which is found opposite the fountain.Points of Interest1. Places of InterestMonument for those killed during 1940-1944 in the entrance of the village and Tomb of Nikolaos Kavrochorianos in the church of Evaggelistrias.Churches: Agia Paraskevi (Patron Saint) & Agios Ioannis, Evaggelistria, Agia Marina, Church of Agios Georgios and Holy Cross (Country Chapel).2. Natural Environment Location “Chymeftou” – SpringRoute from the Gorge (Kastelos) towards Koule – “Chimeftou”3. Useful InformationTel. Number of Municipal Department’s Office 2810-831460Service of citizens on issues of Farmers’ Security Organisation takes place every Thursday from 08:00 to 10:00 pm.Festival of Agia Paraskevi on 26/7Cultural Association - Events4. Accomodation – Gastronomy – Recreation AreasTraditional cafeteria – raki house.
Text: www.tylisos.gr
Directions of approach: Heading to Gonies Village, 700 metres after Tylisos village, we meet the crossroad for Moni. Just opposite the street, there is a dirt-road which after 3,2 km leads to the cave which is in front of a flat, on the left of the road.