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Chrisopigi (Roukaka)
Category: Town-Village
Prefecture: Lassithi
Address: Sitia
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Chrisopigi (Roukaka)

Until 1955 this village was known by its old name Roukaka, which must be of Turkish or possibly Arabic origin.

It is situated on the road that runs from Sitia via Achladia to Stavrohori and is not far from this last, among the foothills of the mountain Koprokefala and about 30 km from Sitia. Castrofylaca listed it for the 1583 Venetian census as Rucaca with 262 inhabitants.


During the years of the Turkish occupation it was a village with one of the biggest Ottoman populations and it had a large mosque. Ιπ 1866 Roukaka was the base for the Administrative Revolutionary Council of the notables of the Sitia District.

Chrissopigi Village Chrissopigi Village - area 

Hiking from Chrissopigi to Bebonas Village 5 km far Hiking from Chrissopigi to Bebonas Village 5 km far 

Later, in 1897 when the Turks of the village were surrounded by Christian revolutionaries they were saved by the intercession of Ambrosios the Metropolitan of Ierositia Ierapetra and Sitia) who came supported by a trqop of French sailors.

Chrisopigi Village in Sitia - East Crete Chrisopigi Village in Sitia - East Crete 


The cave Theryiotripa is in the area belonging to the community, as is also the hamlet Pebonas (or Bebonas) to the west of the village near the border of the District.

From the book "Sitia", N.Papadakis, Arcaeologist,1983