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Category: Island
Prefecture: Evia
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The picturesque and unique island of Skyros, located in the crystal blue waters of the Aegean sea, is one of the most charming and beautiful in all of Greece. It is a place that is perfect for your holidays and travels, where you can experience a traditional and authentic Greek island. On Skyros lived heroes such as Achilles, Lycomedes, Neoptolemos, while Theseus met his tragic end here. During the centuries all the societies that existed on Skyros have left their mark, where even today, through the art, traditions and the customs of Skyros, the influences of these societies are visable for all to see. Skyros is situated between the islands of the North Sporades, and the neighbourng island of Evia ( Euboea ). The landscape of Skyros is the perfect combination of sea and mountains, where the green and colours blend together perfectly. Whichever time of the year you visit, the colours, aromas and scenery of Skyros will both amaze and inspire you. Scattered across the northern half of the island are a variety of towns, villages and hamlets, each with their own beauty and charm. From the capital town of Chora pearched high up on a rock, to the coastal towns of Pefkos, Magazia and Gyrismata, there are many perfect destinations that one can visit. Whether you are looking for a holiday destination where you can simply unwind and relax, or one where you can enjoy a variety of experiences and activities, Skyros has something special for everyone. Skyros is home to some of the most beautiful and famous beaches in all of Greece. The long sandy beach that stretches across the coastal towns of Molos and Magazia is one such example. Other stunning sandy beaches can be found all over the island. The entire island of Skyros is one where nature thrives, and where the natural beauty of the island creates a truly perfect setting for your travels and holidays. The blue and turquoise waters of the sea are simply stunning, and during the summer months, you can enjoy a wonderful refreshing swim. The diversity of the scenery on Skyros is vivid. In Pouria we have a wild and rocky scenery, while in Atsitsa the pine trees reach all the way down to the sea. In the southern part of Skyros, which is rocky and mountain like, the Skyrian Horses used to live free and wild. These unique horses are the trade mark of Skyros, and are a protected species. There are many churches and monasteries located all over the island and these are perfect for visiting if you have the chance. Some of the most famous are the monastery of Agios Georgios above the town of Chora, as well as the small chapels you will find on all corners of the island. Skyros welcomes you to one of the most enjoyable and beautiful holidays you will ever have.

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Σκύρου, 12/θ Δημοτικό Σχολείο

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Ταχ. διεύθ.: Σκύρος, ΤΚ 34007
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