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Places near Agia Kaliopi
The Kounaviano - Astrakiano Gorge of Karteros is surrounded by a landscape of exceptional beauty. The gorge is located aproximately 15 km south of Heraklion city and is parallel with the Astarakiano gorge, about 1,5km distance (see the map below).
Recent works in the area, including 18km of walking trails, have made this gorge accessible, with respect to the natural environment. The gorge has several exits to the nearby settlements. There are five main entrances: from Karteros, Aitiana (bridge of Aitiana), Aghies Paraskies, Kato Astrakoi and from the valley of Peza (entrance of Kounaviano gorge). In each entrance there is an information kiosk.
Within the gorge of Karteros there are churches, watermills and a Byzantine period building, all of which are characterized as Byzantine monuments. Moreover, the gorge features a natural environment of rare beauty with a rich flora and fauna and waters streams that continue to flow during the summer season.
Recent works in the area, including 18km of walking trails, have made this gorge accessible, with respect to the natural environment. The gorge has several exits to the nearby settlements. There are five main entrances: from Karteros, Aitiana (bridge of Aitiana), Aghies Paraskies, Kato Astrakoi and from the valley of Peza (entrance of Kounaviano gorge). In each entrance there is an information kiosk.
Within the gorge of Karteros there are churches, watermills and a Byzantine period building, all of which are characterized as Byzantine monuments. Moreover, the gorge features a natural environment of rare beauty with a rich flora and fauna and waters streams that continue to flow during the summer season.