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Category: Town-Village
Prefecture: Dodecanese
Address: Rhodes Island
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Places near Archipoli

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Xetripiti Gorge 3122 hits
Near the villages of Malonas and Massari, visit the Xetripiti gorge. The river Makari and the surroundings’ natural beauty are certain to enthuse, while the easy access makes this one of the island’s best excursions.
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Epta Piges 2872 hits
On the road to Lindos and at the intersection of Kolympia, you’ll come across the Epta Piges (Seven Springs). The waters form a small lake and a quaint waterfall. The lake’s waters are crystal clear and inviting for a swim during the scorching summer months. Not to be missed!
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Butterflies Valley 2839 hits
Located just a few kilometres from the city centre, the Valley of Butterflies with its deep ravine and lush forest has been for ages a refuge for millions of the colourful winged creatures. In its shady slopes –between June and September- you’ll come across the rare Panaxia Quadripunctaria. The park’s footpath will lead you to Panagia Kalopera monastery, while within the park’s confines you may visit the Natural History museum and its butterfly incubator.

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Archangelos 2726 hits

If you think the sprawling village of ARCHANGELOS looks as though it has seen better times you would be just about right. Home to a dwindling leather crafts industry it now has a shabby look and, strangely, appears to have been swallowed up by the German package holiday industry. This is still the largest town on the island outside Rhodes, with about 6,000 living here. Archangelos lies on a low plain surrounded by the mountains Profitis Elias, Karavos and the hills of Kefaloti, Kastro and Anagros. The first houses at the foot of the Kastro date to 1023. The village centre is dominated by the Church of the Archangel Michael. Around it are whitewashed lanes, traditional houses with arched passageways painted in bright colours. Tavernas and bars line the single main street and the village has a 15th century Crusader castle, though little remains except the outer walls. Nearby are MALONA and MASSARI, two farming villages in the valley of Nethona River set amongst citrus groves.