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Places near Gadouras Dam
Near the villages of Malonas and Massari, visit the Xetripiti gorge. The river Makari and the surroundings’ natural beauty are certain to enthuse, while the easy access makes this one of the island’s best excursions.
KALATHOS is a village on the main road about 6km north of Lindos. There is a very long stone and shingle beach here which stretches along the shore for about 4km. The beach shelves rather steeply offshore, making it a poor place for children but it rarely gets crowded despite there being a number of large hotels nearby. A cantina, mini market and some tavernas can be found on the road that runs behind the beach. The village is pretty enough with a fine church. Its position makes it a good centre for exploring the island for those who don't want the hustle and bustle of neighbouring Lindos. There is a sprinkling of bars and tavernas.