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Filerimos Hill
Prefecture: Dodecanese
Address: Ialyssos Rhodes
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Filerimos Hill
Start your next excursion from the foot of Filerimos hill, on the way to Ialissos. Leave your car in the village of Akropoli Filerinou and start the mild uphill climb on the paved road, replete with oak trees and pines. Reach the twin chapels of Profitis Ilias and take in the amazing view of Ialissos. Follow the road and rest at the soft drink stall under the immense oak tree.
Places near Filerimos Hill
High above the resort of Trianda is one of the island's most noted beauty spots at IALYSSOS on the plateau of Filerimos. The hill is studded with cypresses and pines and was the site of one of three ancient cities of Rhodes. In 1522 Sultan Suleiman used Ialyssos as a base for his assault on the Knights. This was once one of three great city states that ruled the island. The ruins are rather meagre but it does have third century temples to Zeus and Athena. Filerimos is visited more for the heavily restored church of the Virgin Mary - built by the Knights on the site of a Byzantine basilica - and the monastery, an Italian restoration of the original. Reached by a flight of steps bordered by cypresses, the monastery and its domed chapels feature the coat of arms of the Grand Master d'Aubusson. Beneath the ruins of a small Byzantine church is a tiny underground chapel with 14th century wall paintings. The monks sell their own liqueur, known as sette, made from seven local herbs. Modest dress is essential for a visit here - no shorts, plunging tops or swim wear. From the monastery there's an uphill path to the southwest of the hill, along which are 14 icons representing the Stations of the Cross. Stunning views and a riot of flowers make this a very popular with photographers and nature lovers.