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Bus Stop
Category: Bus Stop
Prefecture: Lassithi
Address: Ierapetra, Greece
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Holy Metropolis of Ierapetra and Siteia
Holy Metropolis of Ierapetra and Siteia 2858 hits

The present Metropolis of Ierapetra and Siteia with its seat in the city of Ierapetra occupies the southern and eastern part of the county of Lasithi and includes the former provinces of Iera­petra and Siteia as well as the communities of Kalo Chorio of Merambellou and Kato (Lower) Symi of Viannos. The Metropolis originated from the union of the Diocese of Ierapetra, which is one of the oldest dioceses of Crete with its bishop already participating in the Synod of Sardica in AD 343, and the Diocese of Siteia which was founded already from the 7th or 8th centuries. The Diocese of Ierapetra included the provinces of Merambellou, Lasithi, and Viannos. ­However, with the creation of the Diocese of Petra which appears already in the 10th century, the Diocese of Ierapetra was named Ieras while a part of its district was detached to be incorporated into that of Petra. The Dioceses of Ierapetra and Siteia were consolidated in the 19th century, initially with the name Ierositeia, while from 1962, they are known as the Metropolis of Ierapetra and Siteia. In the middle Byzantine period, the cathedral church of Ierapetra was the church of the All-Holy Virgin of the Seven Domes, in the settlement of Episkopi, while it seems that the church of the All-Holy Virgin in Apano (Upper) Episkopi and the church of the Holy Apostles in Kato (Lower) Episkopi were used alternately as the cathedral churches of the Diocese of Siteia.