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Category: Beach
Prefecture: Cyclades
Address: Μήλος 848 00, Ελλάδα
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Sulphur Mines
Sulphur Mines 2835 hits

In the east side of Milos lies Paliorema, a bay with crystal clear waters and yellowish pebbles, colored by the sulphur. There the sulphur mine of Victor Melas used to be in operation, the oldest business for the mining of sulphur all over Greece .
In Paliorema or Theioryheia you can combine your swim with a visit to one of the geologic sites of the island’s mining history. You can rest on the beach with the colorful pebbles and the fine sand and you can enjoy your swim viewing the old quarries for the mining of sulphur and the ruins of offices, spare parts and personal items of the quarries’ workers  which compose an attractive landscape.

Historically, between 1890-1905, the mines were in function, owned by the Company of Public and Municipal Works. In 1905 their function stopped due to the production of cheap sulphur in the U.S.A. In 1910-1918 they were functioning sporadically, whereas in the 1930s there were in full operation and the installations - seen even today- were made. The sulphur mines, the Theioryheia, were in operation until 1960, whereas the business was put to a permanent stop in 1978.

Sulfur Mines
Sulfur Mines 2695 hits

In the small Paliorema bay, you can enjoy your swim in a beach with yellowish pebbles and crystal clear waters, whereas you can experience a trip back in time thanks to the ruins of the old mines’ installations used for the mining of sulphur which were in function until 1956.
The beach is one of the island’s geologic sights and there you can observe wagons on their rails, old rusty tools and unused spare parts in the materials storehouse, as you enjoy your swim in clear waters in a  wild mysterious landscape.