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Category: Island
Prefecture: Dodecanese
Address: Νότια Ρόδος, Ελλάδα
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Prassonisi 2765 hits

Prasonisi is the most southern point of the island of Rhodes, the last stop in a splendid route through the municipality of Southern Rhodes.

At PRASSONISI a dramatic 3km spit of sand runs out to sea with the choppy Aegean on one side and the calm Mediterranean on the other. Rolling hills alternate between the southern sections of ground and the coast, in a way that lead to a narrow band of sand that depending on the tide is submerged by the sea and divides the “islet” from the coast. 

The views are astonishing from a distance but close up the beach tends to be grubby and dirty, not least because of the cars and jeeps that regularly rolled in to park on it. In winter the seas can join and turn the spot into a genuine island, about 80km from Rodos and 40km from Lindos.

 Prasonisi is the Windsurfer's paradise of Rhodes! Even in summer the strong winds can force sunbathers to seek shelter. Surfers find the spot ideal, especially along the northern shore, and many professionals come here to train. On most days the offshore sea is jam packed with sailboards. There are a couple of tavernas at the roadside but neither is cheap. There are surfboards and wet suits for hire but most visitors bring their own.

On the small islet is a lighthouse, a well-preserved building that sends its light to the open sea.