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Places near Church
Just before (northern) the Kotsifos gorge in Plakias area, is the road to the village Kali Sikia located a few kilometers to the west. The raod has on its left the gorgeous summit of Tsilivdikas and the impressive Kaliskiano gorge.
Kali Sikia, was mentioned by Fr Barozzi at his 1577 census to be comprised of two separate settlements, Pano and Kato Kali Sikia. Emm. Lamprinakis, a teacher from Rethimno, writes that in 1830 Mohamad Ali had a coal mine at Kali Sikia.
From Kali Sikia there is an up-hill new aspalt road through an impressive landscape which leads to Alones area and to the village Velonado. Experienced walkers or bicyclists will enjoy this route, which is however recommended to start from Velonado.
Every year on the first Sunday in September, the Raki Festival is celebrated on the village square in Kali Sikia. You can watch how the local spirit, Raki, is distilled and there are also tastings.