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Places near Zouridi
The village is 27 km far from Rethymnon (intersection on the left on the 22,5th km of the old road to Hania-Zouridi-Kato Poros). It is on a 260 m altitude and known by the Kato Poros gorge. In the 1981 census it was mentioned that the village had 87 residents.
It referred to in the county of Rethymno in 1577 by Fr. Barozzi Cato Poro, by the Castle Guard Catto Poro with 249 residents in 1583. It is not mentioned in the Turkish census of 1659. In the Egyptian census it is not mentioned either, while in 1842 it is referred to as Kato Poros by Hourmouzis Vizantios. In the mountains around the village, there are two caves, the cave of Koronaios and the cave of Kraipes. For the hikers there is an interesting gorge near the village
Kato Poros village
The abandoned village Nisi, 1km east of Kato Poros village:
Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno