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Category: Town-Village
Prefecture: Rethymno
Address: Ρέθυμνο
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Places near Nisi

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Mountros Gorge 2838 hits

Moundros or Velonado Gorge

Just east and parallel of the Kato Poros Gorge you find the Moundros Gorge. This gorge is located between the villages Moundros and Velonado, in Rethimno prefecture and about 30 km south west from Rethimno town.

A beautiful gorge and very special is the colony of vultures living high in the rocks, by Rethymno area close to the village Moundros. There is a clear way marked path and also the long distance trail E4 runs through this gorge. As mentioned above this gorge can be combined with the Kato Poros gorge in a round walk. The abandoned village Nisi between the 2 gorges is worth visiting also. 

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Kollita 2793 hits
Kollita Gorge or Gorge of Kato Poros is located between the villages Kato Poros and Vilandredo by Rethymno area, not far from the well know village Argyroupolis (Ancient Lappa).


It is a green gorge with a very narrow part. In winter and early spring it has quit a lot of water. You can make a round walk by combining this gorge with the Moundros Gorge.
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Kato Poros 2714 hits

The village is 27 km far from Rethymnon (intersection on the left on the 22,5th km of the old road to Hania-Zouridi-Kato Poros). It is on a 260 m altitude and known by the Kato Poros gorge. In the 1981 census it was mentioned that the village had 87 residents.

It referred to in the county of Rethymno in 1577 by Fr. Barozzi Cato Poro, by the Castle Guard Catto Poro with 249 residents in 1583. It is not mentioned in the Turkish census of 1659. In the Egyptian census it is not mentioned either, while in 1842 it is referred to as Kato Poros by Hourmouzis Vizantios. In the mountains around the village, there are two caves, the cave of Koronaios and the cave of Kraipes. For the hikers there is an interesting gorge near the village


Kato Poros village


The abandoned village Nisi, 1km east of Kato Poros village:

Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno Nisi village by Kato Poros, Rethimno