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Agios Andreas Acropolis
Category: Ancient Site
Prefecture: Cyclades
Address: Sifnos
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Agios Andreas Acropolis

Πρόκειται για τον πρώτο οργανωμένο επισκέψιμο αρχαιολογικό χώρο της Σίφνου που απλώνεται στο πλάτωμα του λόφου του Άγιου Ανδρέα (ή Αϊ Ντριά για τους ντόπιους) σε έκταση δέκα  περίπου στρεμάτων. Οι ανασκαφές που έγιναν στην περιοχή έφεραν στο φως όχι μόνο το ισχυρό μεγαλοπρεπές μυκηναϊκό τείχος της Ακρόπολης αλλά και τον πυκνό πολεοδομικό ιστό που περιλαμβάνει, με το μεγάλο ιερό, τα οικοδομήματα, τους δρόμους, τα έργα διαχείρισης των ομβρίων υδάτων καθώς και πληθώρα ποικίλων κινητών ευρημάτων. Η πλήρης ανάδυση της εντυπωσιακής αυτής Ακρόπολης ύστερα από τόσες χιλιάδες χρόνια έδειξαν με τον πιο γλαφυρό τρόπο τη μεγαλοπρέπεια και την ευρωστία του νησιού.

Ο χώρος της Ακρόπολης, όπως και το εκθετήριο με τα ευρήματα από τις ανασκαφές της περιοχής, είναι επισκέψιμα όλο το χρόνο καθημερινά (εκτός Δευτέρας και αργίας) από τις 8:30 έως τις 15:30

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Sifnos 2759 hits
A surprisingly green island for the Cyclades, Sifnos offers a good variety of peace and quiet and things to do. Even though it is a popular island, both amongst Greeks and foreigners, it has maintained its originality and is resisting the commercialisation many other islands have suffered. The locals on Sifnos live off agriculture, the natural source of aluminium and tourism, while the olive trees grow almost everywhere. A striking feature of this island is the many churches: there is a church for each day of the year, and most of them are only open on that day. The capital of the island is called Apollonia, after its ancient patron god, and here there is an art museum. The old part is called Artemonas where might have been a temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis here. Kastro is the old capital, and the Venetian citadel here dates back to the 14th century. There is a small archaeological museum and the village is worth a visit as well. Panagia Vouno, (The virgin of the Mountain) is a fascinating church that is usually open in the mornings. The monastery of the Virgin Mary of the Golden Well (Panagia Chryso-pigi) is situated just outside Faros and is open to the public. The icon of the Virgin here is said to have healing powers. The days on Sifnos are best spent relaxing by the sea, and perhaps taking a few long walks. The best beaches are at Faros, but Kastro and Platys Gialos are also to be recommended. In Kamares there is a beach as well, but the sand is not as fine. Chersonissos is a lovely bay and Vathy is nice and quiet. For those interested in nightlife, bars will be found in Apollonia and a couple of discos also open during high season.