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Who would deny that Information and Communication Technologies have been anything short of revolutionary? Their rate of advance cannot be matched by other technologies. Their infiltration into human society has been phenomenal. People are still struggling to cope with the new technical artifacts. New concepts and products are incessantly identified and scientists are always challenging our expectations and presuppositions.
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Crete attempts to address all the significant issues that bewilder and fascinate scientists and practitioners alike. Our faculty is devoted to tenacious study and thorough research. Our students are the recipients of a high-level educational experience. Our graduates are provided with all the necessary skills in order to efficiently cope with the challenges of their discipline.
Welcome to the University of Crete and to the Department of Computer Science! Seize the opportunity to fathom the intricacies of Information Technology. Discover all the possible paths that lead to a more advanced technological future and make your own meaningful contribution to it.