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Prefecture: Dodecanese
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Built as a model farm by the Italians, KOLIMBIA, KOLYMBIA or KOLMYPIA, is full of identical houses noted for their over large chimney stacks. The approach is dramatic, along an arrow-straight road lined with mature eucalyptus. The resort itself, about 25km from Rodos, is small and is much favoured by German package tour operators. There is a picturesque rocky cove and attractive beach to the north. The flat beach is mostly shingle with water sports at each end. There are also some sandy coves to the south about 10 min walk away. There is another long but scruffy beach there backed by an impressively ugly hotel complex. That said, Kolymbia has an unhurried air despite the numbers and most of the hotels blend unobtrusively into the landscape. The holidays style here is leisurely with fun and games restricted to the hotels. The resort proper has a dozen tavernas and 20 or so bars. There are boat trips to nearby island and a regular bus service to nearby resorts.