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Category: Church
Prefecture: Cyclades
Address: Μύκονος , ZipCode: 846 00
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Bonis Windmill
Bonis Windmill 3389 hits

Among the attractions of Mykonos, Mills are the trademark of the island with the old Bonis Windmill being the most distinctive one. Bonis Windmill, one of the Upper Mills (Apano Myli), dates most likely from the 16th century.


This mill, originally belonged to the old Mykonian family of Bonis, the Mykonian windmill is a stone-built three-storey and cylindrical construction. The ground floor is used for the collection and weighing of the grain. The flour is collected on the middle floor, while there is an ancient milling machine on the second floor. The sail-wheel of Bonis Windmill has twelve wooden spokes with the same number of triangular sails.

Agriculture Museum
The Agricultural Museum of Mykonos was established subsequently to the 1st Symposium of the Folklore Museums of Greece, which was held in Mykonos in1984.  It serves the idea of an outdoor museum, which includes as its exhibits the Bonis Windmill and some other newer facilities, such as the threshing floor, the dovecote and the oven. The Windmill, the threshing floor and the oven are the tree rural installations that for centuries have provided the locals with bread, the most significant part of their everyday diet.

The intention of the Agricultural Museum is to preserve the autonomous rural farmhouse, typical of what once was such a vital aspect of rural life in Greek islands. Also, at the Agricultural Museum of Mykonos one can see tools and machines from the pre – industrial and early industrial eras, which were used in the past for the production and processing of agricultural products.

The museums centerpiece is the Boni Windmill, which is in full working order and may be visited from June to September daily, 4:00-8:00 p.m. (tel.: +30 22890 – 26 246).

Lena's house, near the Three Wells, is a charmingly preserved, authentic 19th century Mykonian middle-class dwelling, which is completely furnished and equipped with antique furniture and house utensils.

Open evenings, except Sundays, from April to October, 6:30p.m. to 9:30p.m.