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Ligias Lakos
Category: Beach
Prefecture: Lassithi
Address: Xerokampos Sitia
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Ligias Lakos

Places near Ligias Lakos

Ammoudi 2740 hits

Agia Irini beach is a small cove located in an comletely untouched region close to the Agia Irini settlement, 16 km from Ziros village, and 2 hours walking fom Xerokambos through a impressive and beautiful path along the coast. It is the exit of the unkown gorge of Agia Irini. 

The beach is pebbly and has crystal clean blue water. It is one of the most remote beaches in Crete, due to its distance from the city centres. It is surrounded by huge cliffs and cavernous rocks and the area is arid. You can reach the village via dirt tracks starting either from Kalo Horio or from Ziros - Hametoulo.


Lamnoni or Chametoulo
Lamnoni or Chametoulo 2703 hits
The Canyon of Hametoulou or Xerokambos
It is a very impressive canyon with tall, vertical rocks and lots of caves. One may enter the canyon either from the settlement of  Hametoulo or a higher spot in the position Lamnioni. There are lots of flora species.
The canyon is also ideal for the observation of avifauna, especially raptors. Its well-preserved and structured path was once used by the villagers for their transportation to the beach of  Xerokambos.
There are scattered yews Quercus coccifera, agkarathu Phlomis lanata, oregano, Origanum onites, throumbi Satureja thymbra, thyme Thymus capitatus, sage Salvia fruticosa, galastoivi Euphorbia acanthothamnos and lots of orchids which make up this particular habitat.

Xerokambos gorge is located to the south of the hamlet by the same name and starts in the Rousomoutsouna area, with a very impressive entrance. The gorge is visible from the country road that connects Ziros with Xerokambos. 

St Irene Gorge
St Irene Gorge 2671 hits
The Canyon of St Irene.
 It is also a very beautiful, small canyon with steep slopes but it is rather narrow at some points.
Agia Irini Coastal caves
Agia Irini Coastal caves 2661 hits

On the beach of Agia Irene, in the southernmost point of the region, caves can be seen in the rocky coastal cliffs, which were created by surface water and coastal erosion (waves), back when they were at sea level. These caves are impressive landforms and stand witness to the fluctuation of sea level during the recent geological past.